Monday, April 8, 2013


God is neither behind the bad things that happen in this world, nor in any collaboration with the devil to that end. Surprisingly simple as this truth is, many people are taught to believe the contrary. They believe that God is in charge of every happening on the earth- whether good or bad. They speak from a misconception of what the sovereignty of God is. Yes, God is sovereign but His sovereignty is often misunderstood to mean complicity in the afflictions of this fallen world. God does not just get up and do anything. He operates within Nature or principle without which he is no God at all. So before you know God as
sovereign, be sure to know also that God is good. Precept must necessarily be
upon precept (cf. Isa 28:13).
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The dispensation of the Law is the period when God gave Israel- His people- laws to obey in order to be right with Him.
Unfortunately when the Law is mentioned many people are quick to see the Law as something it is not. For example, in a world where many people seek to know what to do, the Law is a welcome concept because according to many without the Law they are unable to know what is expected of them. It is normal human nature to seek what is expected of you that you may do it. But the fact that everyone is looking for something to obey does not mean that Christians must also find something to obey.
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As we study the Scriptures, we encounter truths that are stated so succinctly and explicitly that they are almost impossible to misinterpret. They are clear, concise and can easily be understood even by amateurs. However, there are also some that require maturity to comprehend fully. The latter may not be so clear and appear to contradict the clearly stated truths. Oftentimes, confusions arise as a result of differences in interpretation and make one wonder if the Bible is self-contradictory after all. Indeed the Bible does not contradict itself at all. The problem is that many are unable to place the Scriptures in their right perspective even as they study it. Many read the Bible without the context in mind and so pick statements as truths standing on their own, without proper foundation. Of course anyone who does this cannot help but think that the Scripture contradicts itself in many areas. But when that happens, all is not lost. God is always on hand to initiate us into revelation and insight only if we desire it.
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And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil
(Gen. 3:3,4).
Anytime I read this Scripture, I cannot but feel some amount of grief. It really saddens my heart to remember that the fall of man is a product of this discourse between the devil and the woman. But the main cause of my grief is the fact that this is still the case. That after a long time, the devil still has men in this corner- unbelievers and believers alike.
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