As The Mentors International, we believe strongly that the born again experience is not the finality of the Christian walk. We believe it is only the beginning. God actually predestined us unto the adoption of Sons (Eph.1:5), that is unto maturity. The born again Christian therefore ought to grow unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph.4:13).
The work of the ministry which is the expansion and the demonstration of the kingdom of God on the earth is to be done by the believers. However, it is the matured Christians, those who have attained perfection who can do well the work of the ministry. That is why in Eph.4:11, 12, the apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors were to prepare or perfect or mature the saints (Christians) for the work of the ministry.
The kingdom of God ought to be expanded and demonstrated. This cannot be effectively done by babes in Christ. Someone ought to teach the babes. Someone ought to grow the immature unto maturity. They need the milk of the Word, the right message and the right materials. Someone ought to make this his responsibility so we shall see the bride of Christ (the Church) fully adorned in all her glory to meet the bridegroom. Christians must be taught and trained to take their place in the vineyard of God: to subdue kingdoms, to obtain the promises, to shut the mouths of lions and to deprive the devil of any candidate for hell.
This is what The Mentors International seeks to do. This is a vision God has given us and we intend to fulfil it. NOW IS THE TIME. Our motto is discipling the nations from Matt. 28:19, 20. We see to the birth and maturity of Christians so they could live exactly like Jesus Christ on this earth.
This we are doing in several ways;
• DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS: The Ministry functions in the area of procuring books and Christian materials and distributing them for free. This is aimed at introducing certain messages and authors who will help believers to grow on the right kind of biblical doctrine or teaching.
The Ministry also produces good material for free distribution. Articles on sound biblical doctrine (faith, hope and love) will be written and distributed for free. There will also be the production of posters carrying our message which will be posted. The articles will be distributed in succession to bring about consistency in growth. And all this will be for free. They will also be posted on the internet.
• PREACHING BY WORD OF MOUTH: The Ministry functions also in the area of preaching the gospel by word of mouth. Crusades and programmes will be organised by the Ministry which will aim at getting people saved and making available to them the truth of God’s word for their growth and maturity. The truth of God’s word will be addressed. Those who are saved will be mentored personally by the Ministry to ensure consistent growth. Teaching programmes will also be organised where the Word of God will be taught for living and demonstration.
• PERSON TO PERSON MENTORSHIP: the Ministry members are encouraged to mentor people personally. The board members, members and the partners according to 2 Timothy 2:2 will do this. We will show them the right materials to read and lead them through the Scriptures so they can understand. The aim is to help them gather momentum to be able to stand on their feet and grow in the knowledge of God. The scope is limitless.
• INTERNET MENTORSHIP: the Ministry also mentors people through the internet. Through the posting of articles and other information relevant to Christian growth on our website or blog. Discussions on certain biblical topics will also be engaged to encourage research and the study of the Bible.

SCOPE: We are not limited to one area. Wherever the Lord sends we go but our starting point is KNUST campus.

STRUCTURE: the Ministry is not a church. It is made up of board members, members and partners. The board members form the leadership and decision making body of the Ministry. The members help the board members in the various departments of the Ministry. The partners provide resource in terms of money or any other to support the Ministry. The board members and the members are also committed financially to the Ministry.
The financial commitment could be weekly, monthly or as the affiliate chooses. Financial statements and lists of projects undertaken by the Ministry will be delivered to the affiliates on monthly basis so they could hold the Ministry accountable.

THE MESSAGE: The source of our message is strictly the Bible. We believe in preaching the entirety of the Gospel as it is the only way by which we can perfect and mature believers into useful vessels for the use of God. The message will encompass Faith, Hope and Love as these three abide.
We also deal with Christian apologetics as we believe we must make converts people from other religions. Christ will be exalted and all other gods shall fall!