Thursday, October 13, 2011


Unfortunately, many Christians bear God a grudge. This is because most often than not, most were brought up on the wrong spiritual food. As a result, their own spiritual growth is severely stunted. But worse, they are not able to manifest the God-life in them in the world. This article is God's own love letter to you His beloved. Don't you want to know what your lover has to say?

You may be interested in: PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN- Part 1

What my people forget is that no one who walked with me was left miserable. In fact many who walked with me were low class people when they began but were later placed among the nobles. I come to enrich and not to impoverish. I come to give and not to take away. If I cause you to put away then I am giving you something better.I called Abraham out of his kindred to make him the Father of nations. I did not destroy Abraham. I rather made Abram Abraham.


Unfortunately, many Christians bear God a grudge. This is because most often than not, most were brought up on the wrong spiritual food. As a result, their own spiritual growth is severely stunted. But worse, they are not able to manifest the God-life in them in the world. This article is God's own love letter to you His beloved. Don't you want to know what your lover has to say?

You may also like to read: MAN, KNOW THY GOD

I have been misunderstood many of the time by my own children and because of that the world also misunderstands my intentions, saith the Lord. There are many among my children who do not know me and as a result do not understand that my ways are the best for them. They have all sorts of ideas concerning me and my plans, which have been widely accepted without anyone bothering to find out whether they are true or not. And because many in the church harbour such misconceptions, the world also from what it picks up from them have similar ideas about me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything, In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world. Gal 4:1,3[ESV]  

How many of us can entrust our precious and delicate things to the charge of children? No matter how those children are loved, we keep important documents, jewellery and gadgets from them. Again, who would buy a real expensive mobile phone for his or her two year old sister? Even though we may have all the money to do ten times that, we wouldn’t do it because we know the child will only spoil it. And if even you did, you would give it to someone older to keep until the child was old enough to use it?