Sunday, October 14, 2012


These be the names of the mighty men whom David had:...                                  ...thirty and seven in all . (2 Samuel 23:8-39).
I have studied the success stories of many men and women. In my studies, one thing seems to stand out to me; the fact that these men and women were surrounded and aided by other great men and women. I also realised that most often when we celebrate these men for their successes, we forget to celebrate their great company as well. In so doing we get the wrong picture and see the path to success as a lonely road with solitary travellers.

We consider men like Peter, John, Paul, Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitfield, Smith Wigglesworth, Watchman Nee, Kathryn Khulmann, etc., and the work they accomplished, the lives they touched and we effortlessly forget the company that provided the atmosphere for their successes. We mention them as though they arrived at their destinations by themselves- without help and encouragement from others. We mention the success of Peter as though his companionship with James and John had no contribution to his success. And it is in the same light that we mention the successes of James and John. When we mention Paul we easily forget Silas and Barnabas. 

The truth of the matter is that because of the way we celebrate success, we have failed to teach the lesson regarding the essence of being in the right company, a vital ingredient for success.Actually the right company becomes the birthing place of most good things. The right company can turn bad character around. The right company can make the weak-hearted strong. The right company can make the visionless give birth to world-changing visions. It can turn failures into great achievers. It can turn the prayer-less into the most prayerful. This is why for the people of God the right company is very crucial. We must do all within our reach to ensure we keep the company that promotes the vision of God concerning us at all times. Not to do that is to starve ourselves of the great and precious supplies that come from the essential company God blesses us with.

This important lesson is so colourfully illustrated in Scripture that we are without excuse if we miss it. Many of the time when David is mentioned, we begin to remember the victory over Goliath, his anointing as king, and how he was a man after God's own heart. In fact the Scriptures reserve some elegant appellations for him as testimony of his greatness as well:

2 Samuel 23:1  Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,...

However, I would like to draw your attention to an indispensable truth for Christians. It concerns the mighty men who walked with David. We all agree that David's success story is attributed to the help of God but these mighty men were the agents used by God to help David. Endeavour to take time and read the account of these insuperable heroes in 2 Samuel 23. You will realise that David's success in war rested on the pillars of the accomplishments of his companions. They were strong, valiant and had success stories of their own. No wonder they were called David's mighty men. Their achievements are scary, ones that will make one part his lips in awe. Truly, David was great because he had great company. His companions were always there to help, to encourage, and protect- fighting side-by-side. The scriptures took time and space to celebrate them so that we can learn that achieving success needs the right company of mighty men. Always remember that DAVID WAS A MIGHTY MAN BECAUSE HE HAD OTHER MIGHTY MEN WITH HIM.
Paul was also a beneficiary of great company as we see in the account in the Book of Acts.

Acts 13: 1-3  Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.

It was in the company of believers who had gathered for a righteous course that Paul and Barnabas were commissioned as apostles. They were in fellowship not only in prayer and fasting but also in conversation and dwelling- I am sure. God spoke in that company. I am certain he spoke by the mouth of the brethren there gathered.  Paul's letter to Timothy also revealed some details of company that he kept.

2Tim 4:11, 12  Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus.

Indeed great minds think alike. Those destined for greatness must walk with people of like mind and manner lest they lose their drive for greatness. Those thinking of giving their lives for the sake of the Gospel must walk with people of like mind. Atmosphere produces influence and we cannot take it for granted. Personally I am a beneficiary of such great company. It is one of the things the Lord helped me to do some years ago. My friends are people of like mind. Those I dwell with see the world as I see it. Those I converse with have a similar view of the plan of God for the age and how we fit into it. This has helped me immensely because of the comfort it provides and the energy it brings. You will realise there is great comfort in knowing you are not the only one who is thinking or seeing the world in the way you do. Actually when alone in a thought you have to put more effort into keeping that thought especially when it is a radical one.  But when God blesses you with the right company, you feel at home with your ideas. No one should be left out of this blessing.

On the other side of the coin is the curse of the wrong company. That is a company that conflicts with the vision of God for His Church and for you as an individual. This may not necessarily refer to the company of unbelievers but also believers who do not flow with the will of God for the Church and your life. Not all believers are thinking of pouring out their lives as libation for God's course,  and definitely not all believers are thinking of forgoing their careers and answering the Lord's call on their lives. So you realise that even as a believer, you may not be permitted to keep company with anyone just because he is a believer.

To keep company here means to dwell with and constantly associate with. In other words, the company we keep is the people we surround ourselves with. That is different from relating freely with other brethren. I am talking about people you sit and converse with for long periods and go everywhere with. In this same light, even the choice of a local church in which to fellowship becomes crucial. I am a firm believer in the fact that as people begin to mature, they may be encouraged by the Lord to leave their local churches to join other local churches. This normally happens when the person's calling and the mandate given to that local church intersect. When we understand this, I believe, we will neither move hastily to persecute others who leave our churches nor become offended as a result.

Still considering wrong company, we can look at Lot and what he suffered in Sodom and Gomorrah. He parted with his uncle Abraham to dwell close to Sodom and Gomorrah. However, because of his filthy surroundings, his righteous soul was continuously vexed.

2Peter 2:7,8 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)

According to the Scripture, Lot was vexed in his soul because of what he saw and heard daily concerning their filthy manner of life. This means wrong company can vex one's soul and quench one's fire for the things of God. It can turn one's desire from the Lord to carnal stuff. It can make one accept  things which previously were unacceptable. It can make one abandon his vision of serving the Lord. What you must realise is that the atmosphere which company provides is like a buffer to the one dwelling in it. It enables one to flourish free from corruption and degradation from environmental toxicants. For example, in the right company one is able to know when he is going wrong. However, in wrong company, because there is no contrast, it is difficult to realise when one is changing for the worse. Notice the use of the phrases in seeing and hearing and day to day. They give us a sense of how the influence of company is exerted. In fact it  is very subtle and often spans long periods of time. So one is beguiled and only comes to full awareness when the influence has finished its work. That is why in many cases those under the influence of wrong company do not agree when their attention is brought to that fact by another.

Prov. 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Begin to chose your company. Don't let your company chose you. Know the seriousness of this issue and treat it as such. Your life depends on it. Begin to lose those who impede the work of God in you. Cut off those who prevent you from keeping your eyes on the heavenly vision. You must cut off those who drain the life of your faith and put you in constant need of stirring-up and reminding of the fact that you are a man or woman of God. Leave those who make you forget your identity in Christ alone.  I am not saying don't talk or relate with them. I'm saying do not pitch your tent in their camp and fellowship with them. Their influence is in their fellowship and their fellowship is their influence, but be not deceived.

1Cor. 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications (companionship) corrupt good manners.  

We cannot run away from the influence which company brings. We must therefore chose our company wisely to benefit us.

Now get close to those you believe will promote the call of God on your life. Get close to those who speak the New Creation language. INTENTIONALLY befriend those who will fan the fire in you. Ask God to bring them to you and notice them when they come. Some of them will become life-long friends. Others will abide only for a period. But all are good for you and your spiritual progress. Even the one you will court and eventually marry must pass this test. Don't just choose anyhow, lest you lose your vision and destroy your life.

There are those who also want to walk alone. Well that is only good in certain circumstances when the Lord chooses it for you. Generally, however two are always better than one and will always put ten thousand to flight. It is therefore wise to see and accept the company which the Lord sends our way to benefit us. We must let them into our lives. We must open up to them and receive help from them as they from us.


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