men grow up into independent minds, such questions as “what am I here
on earth for?” and “to what end is this life?” will inevitably emerge.
Purpose is one of the major concerns among young people today especially
among believers- the called of God, because of their exposure to the
teachings of the Scriptures concerning it. Therefore more and more
people have become interested in finding out their God-given purposes as
they come to terms with the truth that fulfillment in life ultimately
comes from fulfillment of purpose.
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The scriptures teach that every believer has a purpose and that purpose is in Christ.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (cf. Eph. 2:10).
This purpose ought to be sought and fulfilled within a believers sojourning on the earth. Those who learn these things therefore have a purpose-filled mindset. Believe me, I have dealt with many young believers and this issue seems to be of paramount importance to a good majority of them and they are in the right to see things this way.
The next major issue that comes after the issue of purpose is partner. Young believers are now careful in so far as what they do with their lives is concerned. They treat the issue of relationship and marriage with utmost care since according to Scripture, one's lifetime partner must compliment them in fulfilling their God-given purposes.
Gen. 2:20,22 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
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The scriptures teach that every believer has a purpose and that purpose is in Christ.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (cf. Eph. 2:10).
This purpose ought to be sought and fulfilled within a believers sojourning on the earth. Those who learn these things therefore have a purpose-filled mindset. Believe me, I have dealt with many young believers and this issue seems to be of paramount importance to a good majority of them and they are in the right to see things this way.
The next major issue that comes after the issue of purpose is partner. Young believers are now careful in so far as what they do with their lives is concerned. They treat the issue of relationship and marriage with utmost care since according to Scripture, one's lifetime partner must compliment them in fulfilling their God-given purposes.
Gen. 2:20,22 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
many times you encounter young people seeking the face of God in order
to choose between potential suitors. This habit is also good and worthy
of commendation. However, I want to address a certain misunderstanding
that arises when the issues of purpose and relationship/marriage meet.
And I believe that you will be blessed even as you understand it well.
Purpose is one. Purpose is not an 'MCQ' test and therefore there is not the option of choosing from a large group of alternatives. It is either what God wants for you or nothing. We are born again to fulfill specific mandates by which we will be judged and rewarded. If we are going to be judged then it means our mandates must be specific and predetermined; not subject to our choice. We see this with Adam when the Lord created him. He was given a particular mandate chosen by the Lord:
Gen. 1:26 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Gen. 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
So we realise that purpose is specific and one has no choice in that.
However, it is not so with partner. This is where many young people in the Church have gone wrong. They think that in the same way that purpose is one, there is also only one person meant for them in this life. I have seen many go to great lengths, even to the extent of manipulation, to land a partner because they believe they are destined to be with them by all means. I have seen many manipulate people with supposed dreams and visions they have had and put some precious children of God into a state of fear and panic.
In the Kingdom, no one person has only one possible partner. It is a misunderstanding of the origin of Eve that leads many to assume that likewise, God gives them a one-and-only as their lifetime partner. It may be a pleasant concept for the ego but it does not even make sense when subjected to scrutiny. The Scriptures permit a spouse to marry again should his or her partner die. How do we reconcile this with the above-stated assertion? If there is only one person meant for you then in the situation of a dead partner, the Scriptures should have said that remain single (cf. 1 Cor. 7:39). When it comes to choosing a partner, there are possibilities and not a fixed choice.
We decide on our partners according to our individual purposes. But the truth is that there are various options available in the Church that would aid us in fulfilling these purposes. There are several of them. If we understand it this way, there will be fewer dilemmas. Many people are in relationships they claim God led them into. So even though it is clearly not helping them, they are afraid to come out lest they wrong God. Many are forced into relationships because one partner claims God ordained and revealed it to that partner to be so. God indeed leads us to recognise a possible option when we meet one but we also, like Adam, must agree that this is indeed the one for me.
Gen. 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
If that acceptance is genuinely lacking, you have no business accepting a person as partner. And God will not judge you for it. Look, the only person Scripture says you should not marry is an unbeliever. So God will not judge you for marrying a believer. That been said, because of the issue of purpose we are careful in our choice because among the brethren not all may compliment you in terms of purpose. Another thing that helps also is when a person chooses from the church he or she attends since purpose is very much related to the local church one belongs to. When two can agree, then they can walk together (cf. Amos 3:3).
My dear there are many things to be said about relationships and marriage that space would rob us of. So I want to invite you to a program we have been directed by the Lord to organize. We are going to delve exhaustively into the issues of relationship and marriage. The aim is to put forth the idea of God that works. Various topics will be up for discussion and you cannot afford to miss out. Check below for further information. God richly bless you.
Purpose is one. Purpose is not an 'MCQ' test and therefore there is not the option of choosing from a large group of alternatives. It is either what God wants for you or nothing. We are born again to fulfill specific mandates by which we will be judged and rewarded. If we are going to be judged then it means our mandates must be specific and predetermined; not subject to our choice. We see this with Adam when the Lord created him. He was given a particular mandate chosen by the Lord:
Gen. 1:26 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Gen. 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
So we realise that purpose is specific and one has no choice in that.
However, it is not so with partner. This is where many young people in the Church have gone wrong. They think that in the same way that purpose is one, there is also only one person meant for them in this life. I have seen many go to great lengths, even to the extent of manipulation, to land a partner because they believe they are destined to be with them by all means. I have seen many manipulate people with supposed dreams and visions they have had and put some precious children of God into a state of fear and panic.
In the Kingdom, no one person has only one possible partner. It is a misunderstanding of the origin of Eve that leads many to assume that likewise, God gives them a one-and-only as their lifetime partner. It may be a pleasant concept for the ego but it does not even make sense when subjected to scrutiny. The Scriptures permit a spouse to marry again should his or her partner die. How do we reconcile this with the above-stated assertion? If there is only one person meant for you then in the situation of a dead partner, the Scriptures should have said that remain single (cf. 1 Cor. 7:39). When it comes to choosing a partner, there are possibilities and not a fixed choice.
We decide on our partners according to our individual purposes. But the truth is that there are various options available in the Church that would aid us in fulfilling these purposes. There are several of them. If we understand it this way, there will be fewer dilemmas. Many people are in relationships they claim God led them into. So even though it is clearly not helping them, they are afraid to come out lest they wrong God. Many are forced into relationships because one partner claims God ordained and revealed it to that partner to be so. God indeed leads us to recognise a possible option when we meet one but we also, like Adam, must agree that this is indeed the one for me.
Gen. 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
If that acceptance is genuinely lacking, you have no business accepting a person as partner. And God will not judge you for it. Look, the only person Scripture says you should not marry is an unbeliever. So God will not judge you for marrying a believer. That been said, because of the issue of purpose we are careful in our choice because among the brethren not all may compliment you in terms of purpose. Another thing that helps also is when a person chooses from the church he or she attends since purpose is very much related to the local church one belongs to. When two can agree, then they can walk together (cf. Amos 3:3).
My dear there are many things to be said about relationships and marriage that space would rob us of. So I want to invite you to a program we have been directed by the Lord to organize. We are going to delve exhaustively into the issues of relationship and marriage. The aim is to put forth the idea of God that works. Various topics will be up for discussion and you cannot afford to miss out. Check below for further information. God richly bless you.
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